
Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Greendimes: How We All Can "Put Out for the Planet" 

So way back in the early summer of 2005, I fell into a depression about the state of the planet and took a hiatus from The Evangelist.

After a restorative Memorial Day weekend with close friends on Nantucket, I wrote a (rather dark) post titled Putting Out for the Planet in which I discussed my dispair and described New Yorker journalist Elizabeth Kolbert's role in my falling into that mental black hole.

Towards the end of that post, I mentioned that K. and I have a lovely friend named B. who was then being courted by a rich enviro. I had hoped that via B's romance, we might influence said enviro to save the earth and thereby redeem our otherwise not-nearly-green-enough existence. (Although interestingly enough, recent studies indicate living in NYC is actually a surprisingly green move! So we got that part right.) Well, B. did put out for the planet for some period of time, but alas that strategy ultimately did not come to fruition and she and the enviro parted ways.

Determined to do her part however, B. recently emailed me to let me know that she took a job with a very cool, very green organization called Greendimes. They stop your junk mail, protect your identity AND plant trees in your name. HOW COOL IS THAT?

I signed up immediately!
Read the rest of this post...

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