
Friday, June 25, 2004

Some Favorite Artists 

So those of you who know me well know that I love collecting art and crafts, in many cases getting to know the artists and craftspeople. Here are a few that you may recognize.

Greg Skol
We first encountered Skol's work at the Hahn Ross Gallery in New Mexico on our honeymoon. We loved his detailed brush work and his use of color. A few years later K surprised me with a second one for my birthday.

Jamie Titus
I am fortunate that Jamie is a personal friend. Her work is truly astonishing. I've always said that if I could do anything as well as Jamie paints, I'd die happy. Her work has moved into very different directions since this piece. As of somewhere around 2002 or 2003, her work became completely abstract and remains as breathtaking as ever.

Marina Korenfeld
I met Marina a couple of years ago selling her work in front of the Metropolitan. It's clearly very influenced by the alchemical engravers.

Chip Hooper
Hooper is clearly an Ansel Adams disciple and I first saw his work at a gallery that specializes in Adams. I only own one of Chip's works, but if I had a house I'd happily own another!

I started really paying attention to black and white photography when I roomed with David Plowden's son in boarding school. David came to lecture and his work was displayed in the art center. I loved it (and greatly enjoyed his company as well.)

Jamie Perry
The piece of Jamie's that we own always gets comments. I find the work we own of his to have a serene quality, but at the same time full of questions to engage the viewer.
Tony, I have been trying to find Jamie Titus for years to commission a painting. How can I get a hold of her? Thanks-
email: eslagle@wowway.com
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